Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Weekend

On Saturday we made Daddy some strawberry gummies as a treat. (So easy & fun!)

We also made home-made Oreo's and packaged them up with a cute Valentine from Ari and delivered them to our dear friends. It was a lot of fun to surprise everyone with a little treat and an "I love you!" :)

Our V-Day 2010 was pretty uneventful... which is a good thing sometimes. We got up to make Ari a special breakfast but shortly after that he started showing signs of a not so happy camper. He's had a runny nose for a while but this particular day seemed to get the best of him. He was all foggy like with swollen eyes. :( After church we met up with Nana, Pop & Aunt Eileen for lunch then home for naps. We all rested most of the day and Ari was back in rare form by the evening. ;)

I bought a bunch of little activities for us to do as a family (decorating hearts and stuff) but we've yet to do any of them. Lol. So much for planning ahead. Maybe next year.

Ari coloring me a special Valentine! Love it!!

Special Valentine's Day breakfast

Headed to church.

Poor sick Bubby after church!


Anonymous said...

I like how before church Ari's hair is nicely brushed to the side, and after church it almost looks curly. You're such a good mommy! I love your creative Valentine goodies! Do you have the recipe for the heart gummies?

The Thorn Family said...

When the humidity gets to Ari's hair it all curls on top. Lol!