Friday, February 05, 2010

Ari's 15 Month Checkup

Ari weighed in at 20 lbs 3 oz - making him still in the 5th percentile. It's nothing new to Dr. Abbott since he's been in the 3rd to 5th percent his whole baby life. ;) I am always happy when Anton comes with us so Dr. Abbott has the proof for Ari's skinniness right in front of him. A couple of months ago he didn't come with us and I got a pretty stern talking to about how Ari needs to be eating more. Guess we'll keep pumping him full of blueberries & Chick-fil-A nuggets! His favorites... oh and pretzels.

His height is 30 3/4 in - which is 75th percentile. This is surprising since he doesn't seem that tall... but charts don't lie, right?

Dr. Abbott did let us know that we need to be interacting with Ari a ton at this age and to start working on naming body parts. We came home and I immediately began trying to get Ari to recognize "nose." I'd point to mine then his. Well, when Anton came home a couple of hours later (and Ari had napped in between) I asked him where my nose was and he walked over and pointed to it! What a genius!!! Lol. Guess we need to step it up since he's so receptive to learning. How cool is that?!

1 comment:

Katie said...

He is one lucky boy to be so tall and skinny! I wish I had those genes and metabolism, lol!!