Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Ari's New Skills....

So, it's been almost a month since I last blogged and boy do things change in 4 weeks!!!

Ari is now WALKING up & down the stairs by himself! Super scary to watch but, fingers crossed, he hasn't fallen once.

Ari's vocabulary has really taken off. His favorite words as of late being 'airplane' and 'no.' The 'no' is really funny because he says it as an answer to everything. Example: "Do you love Momma?" Ari: "No!" "Do you want a cookie?" Ari: "No!" Lol!!! He can also for the most part attempt to repeat anything you ask of him. My favorite was last week on Kaitlyn's birthday, we called her and I got Ari to repeat, "Happy Birthday Katilyn." So sweet!

We went to Ari's 1st movie today, Open Season. It was the first movie in the "Summer Movie Clubhouse" at Cinemark. $5 for 10 movies... count me in!!! We have this giant popcorn tub I bought a couple of times ago that you can fill for just $3... so with tickets & popcorn in hand we made our way to the theatre. I was a little nervous because Ari is not a good t.v./movie watcher. But much to my surprise he sat through the entire movie on my lap and ate half the popcorn!!

And how could I forget to tell you all that Ari LOVES to dance!!! He's been dancing for a while now but has pretty much perfected his "shoulder pump." It is so funny! If he hears music, even on a commercial, he'll stop whatever he's doing and bust a move. Enjoy...

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