Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ari Status Report:

Ari went to the doctor Tuesday for a high fever. He has never really had a consistent fever nor one as high as 103.8. :( They drew blood and came the conclusion it was a viral infection and his fever should subside in about 5 days. That night Ari temperature was already down!

Super funny extra: When the doctor was leaving the room Ari said (in what seemed like perfect English), "I need you." I know I sound crazy but Emma was there and she totally heard it too! We both started cracking up laughing!!!

Also, as a result of our visit I decided to downgrade Ari's diaper size. I'm not quite sure why I went up to size 4 but it is clear he is still a tiny guy (20.8 pounds) and that is way in the size 3 range. Bonus - you get 10 more diapers for the same price! :)

Ari is also talking up a storm!!! His favorite word for the moment is, "Stop." Which he pronounces, "Stah." Wednesday morning while running errands Emma told him "No No" to which he replied, "No!" Uh-oh... here we go. I tell you this because that was the first time he's ever said "No." Which for a 17 month old I think is pretty impressive. I read an article a couple of months ago that emphasized not telling your child "No" but rather giving them a different option. Don't kid yourself, we still tell him no at times but it is rare.

Ari has been like a little parrot lately repeating all of our names. Which was awesome since all of our family was in town. He can say, Oggie, Kay Kay, Pop (Pa), Nana, Emma (Mem-ma) & Rea.

I taught Ari how to sign "hurt" and "sorry" yesterday after he chucked one of Sarea's toys at my face. Lol! I also taught him "candy." (which I accidentally told him was for "apple")

And the best for last: When we tell Ari it is time to pray he holds his little hands until "Amen" is proclaimed. (No matter how long the prayer... Julian....) ;) Last night Anton said he even said "Amen." Could that be any cuter?!

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