Friday, February 26, 2010

Pop AKA Super Manny

So Pop stayed with us for the past 10 days or so and made it his goal to get Ari sleep trained. I think he'd of been happy to just get Ari to sleep in his crib, to tell you the truth. Needless to say Pop jumped on the task and I can say today that what he did has completely changed our lives!

Ari now goes to bed at 8pm with a story, scriptures, a prayer and being rocked in his room for 10 minutes. And he lays down at 1pm in the afternoon by way of a similar routine. Most of you know, Ari is not a great sleeper and has never been a fan of being in his crib. Well, times have changed! When he gets his 10 minute warning downstairs for nap/bed he understands and starts picking up his toys. Then when you're walking up the stairs he lays his head on your shoulder completely content with what's about to happen.


We have also in the last 10 days stopped putting him to bed by way of a bottle. (he's only been getting his bottle at night since he was 13 months old) We used to lay him on the couch with us and give him a ba-ba then move him to the floor or our bed for the night. He's getting better at sleeping through the night and only wakes up at 3am every other night or so.

We are so grateful to Pop and all his dedication to this task! It has really given us the push to continue it and enjoy the routine.

Pop teaching Ari how to butter toast. (this was the also the 1st time Ari has ever sat on the counter)

Pop & Ari playing with buckets at Home Depot. Boys... you can't take them anywhere! ;)

1 comment:

Katie said...

What an awesome Pop!! And way to sleep Ari!!